Save the date - our next PSA test event is Saturday 4th OCTOBER 2025

'More new to follow on the 2025 event' 

A very big thank you to everyone involved in our 2024 prostate Screening day. Your amazing contributions helped what was a very successful day. We provided PSA tests for more than 840 men. 

Thank you to the many of you who donated at our last PSA event. You are helping save local men's life's. If you didn't get the chance, please donate HERE now. A three minute blood test could save your life. 

Why is PSA testing important?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and more than 47,500 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year – that's 129 men every day. 1 in 8 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.* Our aim is to make the local community aware of the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer.  Check your risk in 30 seconds visit Prostate Cancer UK  

If you would like to donate in support of our Prostate Cancer Awareness campaign simply do so via CAF Logo_CD_Thumb Thank You! 

Useful links: Prostate Cancer UK OIP (1) and NHS Prostate Cancer Be informed before choosing to take a test. 

Why test?

With one man every hour dying from prostate cancer and 47,500 new cases every year the Lions Club of Reading aims to provide a FREE PSA blood test to as many men over 45 as possible who chose to take the test. It's well proven that early detection and treatment may vastly increase your chances of survival.

What happens when we host our annual free PSA blood test event?

The PSA test is a blood screening test that measures the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. PSA is a protein produced by normal cells in the prostate and by prostate cancer cells. It's normal for a man to have a small amount of PSA. A raised PSA level may however suggest a problem with the prostate, but not necessarily cancer.

The events are open to all local men aged between 45 and 75 years. We particularly encourage men to come if they have never been tested before. Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 45, and your risk increases as you get older. 

As there is currently no screening programme in the UK for prostate cancer, having a free PSA test can help to increase the chance of prostate cancer detection.

You are reminded that by definition the test is only an indicative one and we strongly urge you to follow up with your GP if advised to do so. Very occasionally the result could be normal even though your prostate is abnormal and you should seek advice from your GP if you have trouble passing urine or other troubling symptoms.

Our amazing Sponsors

A very big thank you to our sponsors this year: Circle Hospital Reading, 500 Logistics, St James's Place, and all the individual sponsors and supporters who helped raise funds for the event at our July Charity Golf Day. 

Circle-Reading-Hospital-  St James's Place OIP hennerton-golf-club- Sponsor 2023  


The Lions Club of Reading is a local group of volunteers who aim to promote the health and wellbeing of the Reading community by improving the local environment, helping individuals in times of need, supporting Reading based community groups and local charities. Every penny raised goes into our community projects. Our aim is to serve the people of Reading and make a difference. Lions Clubs are also members of an international network of men and women with more than 1.4 million members who all work together to answer the needs that challenge communities across the world.

If you would like to nominate a local cause, offer your assistance as a 'Friend of Lions' or find out more about our clubs fundraising and social activities then call 0345 8337 431 or email:

Company and individual sponsorship opportunities are available and welcomed for this and other events.